HomeBusinessPipera station commander on duty in a bribery case. Pipra police...

Pipera station commander on duty in a bribery case. Pipra police station head line present in bribery case: SP operated in Supaul, Amit Kumar took responsibility – Supaul News Achi-News

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Amit Kumar contributed as the new police station commander of Pipra police station in Supaul on Friday. After the donation, the newly appointed police station chief said that maintaining peace and order in this area, stopping criminal incidents, fighting anti-social elements, criminals and alcohol bakeries.


Action against former Superintendent of Police Sanjay Das

For this, it will be necessary to establish a good relationship between the police and the public. Also, care will be taken to ensure that the common people do not face any kind of problem. It is understood that action was taken against former police station chief Sanjay Das after former police station Munshi Mapfira complained of demanding a bribe from the victim in exchange for accepting the request.

Pipera Police Station

Pipera Police Station

Keeping this in mind, Superintendent of Police Shaishab Yadav had the whole matter examined by Sr. Sr. Alok Kumar. When the matter was found to be true, Munshi Bhanu Pratap Singh of Pipera Police Station was suspended. Whereas, action was recommended against the superintendent of the police station, Sanjay Das.

Subsequently, now action has been taken in this regard and the Superintendent of Police, Sanjay Das, has been put on the line. Here, Amit Kumar contributed as the new police station chief on Friday. He then spoke about maintaining peace in the Pipera Police Station area.


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