HomeBusinessPiles of soil on the sides of the road became a cause...

Piles of soil on the sides of the road became a cause of trouble. Heaps of soil on the roadside are causing trouble – Panchkula News Achi-News

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Due to overload near Tangri bridge and vehicles parked in dhabas, lives of people passing through the road are in danger. The condition is so bad that the road is filled with several feet of mud. Was cleaned up a bit. But even today a large amount of soil is spread on the road. Because anyone, especially a two-wheeler, can suffer an accident.

Many times, if a two-wheeler tries to avoid the unpaved road due to lack of side, he may suffer an accident by getting stuck in the mud spread on the road. As there are a large number of overloaded tippers, which are uncovered, keep running on this road. But the administration is not tightening any screws on them. Because what soil is still falling on the road from these overloaded vehicles and water is still dripping from the vehicles after stopping for food and drink at dhabas. In which soil also comes out. This is the reason why soil still accumulates on the road.

Local people insist that cleaning should be done here every day. This soil turns into dust and keeps flying throughout the day. Because people face a lot of trouble. There should be cleaning here every day.


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