HomeBusinessPEI News: Governments spend $17M on recreation center Achi-News

PEI News: Governments spend $17M on recreation center Achi-News

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The Prince Edward Island and federal governments are jointly spending $17 million to build a recreation center at Abegwait First Nation in Scotchfort.

According to a news release from the province, the center will be connected to the new Abegwait Connects community building and will host sports games, Mawi’omi celebrations, and Mi’kmaw storytelling.

“This will be a place for people to gather, learn about and celebrate Mi’kmaq culture, and participate in sports and other community activities,” Lawrence MacAulay, the minister of agriculture and agri-food, said in the statement. “It will also be an inclusive, publicly accessible, climate-resilient, net-zero space, demonstrating our collective commitment to environmental sustainability.”

PEI will spend $8 million on the project and the federal government will contribute $9 million.

“A recreation center of this scale will not only improve health outcomes for our people but create prosperity in the area by supporting new jobs and improving economic opportunities,” said Roderick W. Gould Jr., chief of Abegwait First Nation.

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