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Patna News, Patna Local News, Patna Crime News, Patna Police, Body, Unidentified | Body of youths recovered in Jakanpur, Patna: Suspect hit during theft, mark of tattoo on hand, identification yet to be made – Patna News Achi-News

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The police arrived at the scene and started an investigation.

The body was found from a platform near Ram Nagar main road in Patna’s Jakanpur police station area. The police arrived at the scene and took the body into custody. There is a cut mark on the young man’s head. There is a tattoo mark on the right hand, it says Banti. The police in the morning


The police expressed fear of theft

Jakanpur police station superintendent HN Singh said it appears that the beating took place during the theft. The young man he entered must have chased him. During this escape or while jumping from the border he was seriously injured. After he ran away, he sat for a while on a platform on the Ramana road. After that, he lay down there. I haven’t woken up yet. The incident happened around 8:30 am.

The police were investigating

The young man has a tattoo on his hand, on which is written Banti. However, the police are preparing to send the body for post-mortem along with the identification of the body. The young man has not yet been identified.


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