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Pappu Yadav came to pmch met injured in Chapra firing incident. Pappu Yadav came to PMCH…met the injured in Chafra shooting: He said – Election violence is completely wrong, criminals should be arrested – Patna News Achi-News

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Former MP Peppu Yadav met the injured in Chapra firing at PMCH. During this, he consoled the family members and took complete information about the event. He also talked to the doctors about the condition of the wounded.


Former member of parliament Papo Yadav called the incident unfortunate and also hurt the administration. He said election violence is absolutely wrong. Therefore, the administration must intervene in this matter. The rioters must be arrested as soon as possible.

Pepo Yadav consoled the family members

Learn about the case in detail

On May 20, during the fifth phase of voting, there was stone pelting and heavy fighting between two groups at Mufsil police station in Chapra. RJD candidate Rohini Acharya is said to have arrived at Talpa’s booth at the last minute of voting. There was a clash between Rohini’s supporters and the local people over some issue. After that they both attacked each other. Both groups are said to support BJP and RJD.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday morning, the second day of the incident, firing was carried out near Telpa Bhikhari Chowk from Mufassil police station. In this a youth Chandan Rai was killed, while two persons Gudu Rai and Manoj Rai were injured. The injured are being treated at PMCH in Patna.


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