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On this day the world’s first white lion was found. World’s first white lion was discovered on this day: Mohan used to play football with the Maharaja with royal pomp – Rewa News Achi-News

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Whenever Rewa is mentioned, this white lion is definitely discussed. Today ie May 27th is a very special day for Rewa. Because on 27 May 1951, Rewa Maharaja Martand Singh Singh found the world’s first white lion in Pankhor district of Sidhi. Many Vindhya tribes including Sidhi


According to historian Asad Khan, on 27 May 1951, the then Maharaja Martand Singh had gone hunting with Jodhpur Maharaja Ajit Singh in the Pankhor forest in Sidhi district. During this time he saw a tigress with her three cubs. One of the children was absolutely amazing. Within no time the white tiger went and hid in a cave. Maharaja Martand Singh liked that tiger so much that he caught it and brought it with him.

Maharaja Martand Singh got the white tiger in 1951

Mohan’s three tigresses gave birth to 21 white tigers

Three tigresses were also kept with Mohan. Their names were Begum, Sukesi and Radha. He had 34 children from Mohan and three tigers, of which 21 were white. Of these 21 children, 14 were only Radha’s children. All the white lions seen today around the world are descendants of this Mohan.

Mohini was sold to America in 1960 for $10,000. Welcomed by the then President of America at the time. Mohan was cared for in royal style. Maharaja Martand Singh used to play football with Mohan. Mohan knew the sound of his whistle very well. Mohan was given 2 liters of milk on Sunday.

Mohan’s name was taken with full respect. Mohan’s name was Mohan Singh Ji. Mohan’s last child Virat died on 8 July 1976 at Govindgarh Fort. Today, because of Mohan, Rewa is recognized all over the world. Mohan died on 19 December 1969. It has been almost 54 years since Mohan died. But even today Mohan is so deeply imprinted in the hearts and minds of the people of Rewa.


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