HomeBusinessNS News: Halifax hospital sprinkler system reduced Achi-News

NS News: Halifax hospital sprinkler system reduced Achi-News

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The fire sprinkler system at Atlantic Canada’s largest hospital is working at reduced capacity days after a water main break.

The Halifax QEII Hospital site was temporarily without running water and heat last Thursday.

Nova Scotia Health (NSH) says although there is water in the sprinkler lines, there is not enough pressure to fully operate. He says he is working with the fire department and that the building is being monitored.

Staff have also been told to limit the use of toasters, toaster ovens, microwaves, space heaters, and all open element devices as a precaution.

NSH says the sprinkler system could be cut for as much as a month.

When the main water supply first broke, patients and staff were told not to drink the water. The health authority says tests throughout the weekend have confirmed that water at the hospital meets Canadian Drinking Water Quality guidelines, and is safe to drink.

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