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NS News: farm provides therapy for those living with mental health challenges Achi-News

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Ataraxy Farm in Lawrencetown, NS, was first started in 2013 as a therapy farm to help co-owner Blair Davis with his post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from his military service in Bosnia.

“With her PTSD many doctors and a phycologist said that exercise is very good, and going out is very good. We already owned two horses for our kids, so we decided to start a farm,” co-owner Kim Davis said in an interview with CTV’s Crystal Garrett on Tuesday.

In 2021, the family opened their doors to the public, helping many through animal therapy with their horses, donkeys, mule, goats and chickens.

“We have goat yoga in the summer months and you get all the animals to interact with you, all the goats, not just the babies,” Kim said. “It’s more of a beginner class that you’re going to match your breathing.”

When they first opened the farm to the public, Kim said they still didn’t have a name for the farm.

“I found there were so many farms out there called tranquility, tranquility, so we needed something different. So I went through the thesaurus and found ataraxy. Ataraxy means a state of calm silence,” Kim said.

The farm also sells skin and hair care products made from goat’s milk. The sale of the products goes back to the farm and care for the animals.

The sale also allows the family to continue offering free farm tours. Kim said they also offer volunteering to people who want to help on the farm.

“We also offer volunteering, so if you want more time with the animals and you want to help with the farm, you can come out and volunteer,” he said.

Farm tours can be booked on the farm’s website.


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