HomeBusinessNorway, Ireland and Spain say they recognize Palestine as a state Achi-News

Norway, Ireland and Spain say they recognize Palestine as a state Achi-News

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Norway, Ireland and Spain claim today that they recognize a Palestinian state in a historic step that drew condemnation from Israel and jubilation from the Palestinians.

Israel immediately ordered the recall of its ambassadors from Norway and Ireland after today’s announcements.

The official recognition will take place on May 28.

Norway, Ireland and Spain said today that they recognize a Palestinian state in a historic step. (Dion Georgopoulos)

The development is a step towards a long-standing Palestinian aspiration that came amid international outrage over the number of civilian casualties and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip following Israel’s attack there.

It was a lightning cascade of announcements. The first was Norway, whose Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Stora said that “there can be no peace in the Middle East if there is no recognition.”

“By recognizing a Palestinian state, Norway supports the Arab peace plan,” he said, adding that the Scandinavian country “will treat Palestine as an independent state with all the rights and obligations that come with it.”

Several countries in the European Union have indicated in recent weeks that they plan to carry out the recognition, arguing that the two-state solution is essential for lasting peace in the region.

The decision may create momentum for the recognition of a Palestinian state by other countries in the European Union and may spur further measures at the United Nations, deepening Israel’s isolation.

Norway, which is not a member of the European Union but reflects its moves, was an enthusiastic supporter of the two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians.

“The terrorism was carried out by Hamas and militant groups that do not support the two-state solution and the State of Israel,” said the leader of the Norwegian government.

“Palestine has a fundamental right to an independent state.”

Since the unprecedented attack by Hamas-led militants on Israel on October 7, Israeli forces have led assaults on the northern and southern edge of the Gaza Strip in May, prompting a new exodus of hundreds of thousands of people, and sharply limiting the flow of aid, raising the risk of famine.

Today’s announcements come more than 30 years after the first Oslo Accords were signed in 1993. Since then, “the Palestinians have taken important steps towards a two-state solution,” the Norwegian government said.

He added that the World Bank determined that a Palestinian state met key criteria to function as a state in 2011, because national institutions were established to provide the population with important services.

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Storr. (AP)

“The war in Gaza and the constant expansion of the illegal settlements in the West Bank still mean that the situation in Palestine is more difficult than it has been in recent decades,” it said.

In his announcement, the Prime Minister of Ireland, Simon Harris, said that the move is compatible with Spain and Norway – and that this is “a historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine.”

He said it was meant to help move the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to a two-state solution.

Harris said he thinks other countries will join Norway, Spain and Ireland in recognizing a Palestinian state “in the coming weeks.”

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, Spain’s socialist leader since 2018, made the expected announcement to the nation’s parliament today.

He spent months touring European and Middle Eastern countries to garner support for recognition, as well as a possible cease-fire in Gaza. He has said several times that he is committed to the move.

“We know that this initiative will not bring back the past and the lives lost in Palestine, but we believe that it will give the Palestinians two things that are very important for their present and their future: respect and hope,” Sanchez said.

“This recognition is not against anyone, it is not against the Israeli people,” Sanchez added, while admitting that it will likely cause diplomatic tensions with Israel.

“This is an act in favor of peace, justice and moral consistency.”

Sánchez claimed that the move was necessary to support the viability of the two-state solution, which he said was “in grave danger” with the war in Gaza.

“I spent weeks and months talking with leaders in the region and outside, and if one thing is clear, it is that Prime Minister (Benyamin) Netanyahu does not have a peace project for Palestine, even if the fight against the terrorist organization Hamas is legitimate,” said the Spanish leader.

Earlier this month, Spain’s foreign minister, Jose Alvares, said he had informed US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken of his government’s intention to recognize a Palestinian state.

The three leaders of the Irish government from the left, Minister Eamon Ryan, Taoiseach Simon Harris and Tenaire Michal Martin. (AP)

Hugh Lovett, senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said that “the recognition is a tangible step towards a sustainable political path leading to Palestinian self-determination.”

But in order for it to have an impact, he said, it must come with “tangible steps to fight the annexation and settlement of the Palestinian territory of Israel – such as a ban on settlement products and financial services.”

Foreign Minister Israel Katz ordered the country’s ambassadors from Ireland and Norway to immediately return to Israel. He spoke before Spain’s announcement.

“Ireland and Norway intend to send a message to the Palestinians and the whole world today: terrorism pays,” said Katz.

According to him, the recognition could delay efforts to return Israel’s hostages held in Gaza and reduce the likelihood of a cease-fire by “retaliating the jihadists of Hamas and Iran.”

He also threatened to recall Israel’s ambassador to Spain if the country took a similar position.

Regarding the Israeli decision to return its ambassador to Oslo, Gahar Storr said: “We will take it to heart. This is a government with which we have many disagreements. What we agree on is condemning the brutal attack by Hamas on October 7.”

Palestinian President Abu Mazen, speaking after Norway’s announcement, welcomed the move and called on other countries to follow suit.

In a statement carried by the official Wafa news agency, Abbas said that Norway’s decision would anchor the “right of the Palestinian people to self-determination” and support efforts to bring about a two-state solution with Israel.

Some 140 countries have already recognized a Palestinian state – more than two-thirds of UN members – but none of the major Western powers have done so. This move could put more pressure on the continental heavyweights, France and Germany, to reconsider their position.

The United States and Great Britain, among others, supported the idea of ​​an independent Palestinian state existing alongside Israel as a solution to the intractable conflict in the Middle East.

Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez. (AP)

However, they insist that Palestinian independence will come as part of a negotiated settlement.

The head of the Arab League called the step taken by the trio of European countries a “courageous step”.

“I salute and thank the three countries for this step that puts them on the right side of history in this conflict,” Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abol-Gheit wrote on the X social media platform.

Turkey also applauded the decision, calling it an important step towards returning “the rights that were taken away from the Palestinians”.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry also said that the move would help “Palestine achieve the status it deserves in the international community.”

The move comes less than two weeks after 143 countries, including Australia, voted to pass a UN General Assembly resolution to extend some of Palestine’s rights to participate in UN forums.

Australia does not officially recognize Palestine as a state but supports the two-state solution.


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