HomeBusinessNaxals pamphlet... ready for talks to prevent bloodshed. The leaflet of...

Naxals pamphlet… ready for talks to prevent bloodshed. The leaflet of Naxalites… ready for talks to stop the bloodshed – Raipur News Achi-News

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A leaflet was issued by the Naxalites. In this pamphlet it is said that the Naxals are ready for talks with the government, but for that you will have to create a democratic environment. This is the third time in recent times that a booklet related to talks with Naxalites has been published. The first two times


Bijapur/Jagdalpur The force’s 36-hour long Operation Jal Shakti has been completed in Abujamad, the Naxalite stronghold on the Narayanpur-Bijapur district border. Another Naxalite was killed on Friday. He was killed when the soldiers returned after the operation was over, when the Naxals tried to surround them. The soldiers took revenge for that. However, the Naxalites escaped under the cover of the forest. According to the police, 8 Naxalites were killed in separate encounters. These include 4 women. Police confirmed the killing of 7 Naxalites on Thursday. In this operation, 800 soldiers from three districts of Bijapur, Dantwada and Narayanpur were deployed. The soldiers brought all the bodies to Dantwada district headquarters. Many weapons and Naxal materials were recovered from the spot.


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