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Naxalites create havoc in Chatra…father and son shot | Naxalites shot dead father and son: Naxalites were angry when their partner was arrested in Chatra, they entered the house and beat them and then killed them – Chatra News Achi-News

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Naxalites killed father and son in Chatra

As soon as the Lok Sabha elections were over in Chatra, the banned TSPC Naxalites have held a big event. By killing the father and son who had launched a front against the militants, the police have been openly challenged. The price of supporting the police was the death of Pankaj Birhor and his father.


According to the information received, the armed Naxalites with their faction reached Hindiyakala village and abducted the father and son first. Then they were both severely beaten. After this the father and son were shot and killed. After this incident of Naxalites, there was a feeling in the area. The villagers who live there are in a panic.

According to the information received, the two deceased belonged to the Birhor caste. The police did not reach the spot even after about 12 hours of the incident. The police, with the help of the local watchman and the villagers, sent the body for postmortem.

Know first what the whole issue is

The deceased’s brother said that former Deputy Commissioner of the area Abu Imran had come to the village a few days ago. During that period, he had given Birsa house to 10 Birhor families as per their need in the village. The one who was cared for by the deceased and his brother. Meanwhile, a squad of six members of TSPC Naxalites had reached the village and demanded a levy (extortion) of ten thousand rupees from each house.

Protesting against this, Pankaj and his brother, with the help of the villagers, caught the armed militant Mantu Ganjhu, who was part of the squad, and handed him over to the police along with the weapon. According to the family members, a person named Sudeshwar Yadav from the village had played a role in bringing the Naxalites to the village. What the police caught and sent to prison. Naxalites were angry with Mantu Ganjhu being handed over to the police.

How did the incident happen?

According to the deceased’s brother, around 60 to 70 armed TSPC Naxalite squad came late at night and first tried to open the door of the house. After that, when Pankaj and his elderly father, who was sleeping in the house, did not open the door, the Naxalites tried to break in.

Even after that, when the door was not broken, they broke the wooden seat in the house and attacked the family members who were locked in the house with bricks, stones and sticks. After this, Pankaj opened the door of the house and attacked the Naxals with the stick in his hand.

During this, he also beat up two Naxalites who were included in the squad. After this, the Naxalites caught hold of Pankaj and first beat him brutally and then shot him twice and killed him in the courtyard of his house.

After Pankaj’s murder, Naxalites started searching for his brother. When the brother was not found in the house, the angry Naxalites dragged Pankaj’s old father, who was sleeping inside the house, out and brutally murdered him by attacking him with bricks, stones and rods iron.

This is a Naxalite called Mantu Ganjhu.  The deceased and his family members had handed him over to the police with weapons in the name of demanding a levy.

This is a Naxalite called Mantu Ganjhu. The deceased and his family members had handed him over to the police with weapons in the name of demanding a levy.

A local onlooker and villagers took the body for postmortem.

While staying at Baura village, about five kilometers from the incident site, SP Simaria took stock of the situation with SDPO Ajay Keshari and other police officers. The police officers, on the instructions of the headquarters, have said that they will not reach the spot due to security reasons.

However, senior police officers in the area are still hesitant to say anything on camera in this matter. SP Vikas Pandey has categorically said that the area is being cordoned off to arrest the Naxalites who were involved in the murder of a father and son.


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