HomeBusinessNaxalite leader Pratap sent a letter to Dinik Bhaskar. Naxalite leader...

Naxalite leader Pratap sent a letter to Dinik Bhaskar. Naxalite leader Pratap sent a letter to Dinik Bhaskar: He said – we are ready for talks to stop the bloodshed, but we will not give up weapons, the government wants to take advantage of Bastar – Jagdalpur News Achi-News

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The Naxalites have now reacted to the ongoing encounter in Bastar, Chhattisgarh and the government’s initiative to hold peace talks with the Naxalites. Hardcore Naxalite and Central Committee member Pratap sent a letter to Dinik Bhaskar through some medium. About that


Naxalite leader Pratap said we are ready for talks to stop the bloodshed in Bastar. But before that there are a few things that need to be clarified. Dandkaranya Special Regional Committee spokesperson Vikalp gave his opinion on the talks twice. But there was no honest response from the government on this. Now in such a situation they say we are not ready for talks.

The environment became such that we set some conditions. But this is wrong. We want talks in a democratic environment, we want talks to maintain a peaceful environment. Get calls to stop the bloodshed.

The character of Naxalite leader Pratap

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But on the contrary, Chhattisgarh Home Minister Vijay Sharma has set some preconditions for the talks. There is a condition of not stopping the works on the road. But everyone knows that we are fighting for our water, forests and land and to save our precious natural resources. On the other hand, Vijay Sharma wants to utilize the resources. This means that the condition for the talks was not set by the Maoists but by the government.

It also shows that the government is never ready for honest and unconditional talks. Did you ask us through some medium that we are ready for talks in an atmosphere of violence? The answer to this is that the government’s strategy is that by increasing the massacre and increasing the atmosphere of oppression, terror, murder, atrocities and bloodshed, the pressure on the Maoists will increase. They will have to negotiate.

This means that the government has nothing else in mind but to make the Maoists surrender. Union Home Minister Amit Shah has been repeating the same thing again and again. They say the Naxalites should give up their weapons and come to talks, the government will talk to them. But that is not possible. No revolutionary will kneel before the government and come to the bench for talks.

We are ready for talks if the government creates a peaceful democratic environment with honesty. The tribal society will play a role in it.


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