HomeBusinessNanded: Husband, wife and son killed in tractor-bike accident in Biharipur Achi-News

Nanded: Husband, wife and son killed in tractor-bike accident in Biharipur Achi-News

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Mukramabad; Leading News Service: A five-year-old boy died together with his wife in a terrible accident between a tractor and two wheels. This unfortunate incident happened on Thursday (23) around 2 pm on the national highway near Biharipur. The deceased have been identified as Mosin Gannisab Sheikh, Farida Mosin Sheikh and Junaid Mosin Sheikh (aged 5). Due to the accidental death of three people from the same family, panchkroshit expresses grief.

His wife Farida and his son Juned from Partapur Vasstigemda in Mukheed taluka, Mosin Sheikh, had gone to Mukheed to do some work While returning to the village after finishing all the work there, time hit them on the highway national near Biharipur around two in the afternoon. . The speeding tractor hit the bike hard. Mosin Sheikh and his wife were killed on the spot. While Jumed’s son died during treatment in Udgir. The process of postmortem on all three is underway at the Mukamabad Primary Health Centre. Many young people have died in accidents on this national highway in two years.


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