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Murad Saeed will come out or stay underground, PTI made a big announcement Achi-News

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PTI Islamabad (News Desk) founder Imran Khan advised PTI leader Murad Saeed not to come out at this time and said that the excitement of PTI workers is understandable but it threatens their lives.

According to details, Tehreek-e-Insaf core committee member Abu Dhar Salman Niazi said that in the last meeting with PTI founder Imran Khan in Adiala Jail, Imran Khan strongly emphasized that Murad Saeed should remain hidden.

PTI founder said that Murad Saeed should not come out now.

Imran Khan said that the enthusiasm of PTI workers is understandable, but considering the threats to their lives, we will have to wait more before they return. Their lives and safety should be our priority.

Earlier, former federal minister Faisal Vawda said PTI tried to reward Pervez Elahi’s sacrifice by launching Hammad Azhar.

Faisal Vawda said that all this drama created in the name of courage is actually happening because of the fear of taking over the party in Punjab. I don’t think Murad Saeed will be in the public eye anytime soon.

Yesterday also came Hamad Azhar, the leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, who has been hiding since the May 9 tragedy.

Hammad Azhar arrived at the Central Secretariat of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf in Islamabad where everyone was surprised to see him. He said the PTI founder received instructions yesterday where he was directed to come out in the open and take over the leadership of the party in Punjab.

He said that I have faith in the courts and after being granted bail by the Peshawar High Court before arrest, I will fight my cases in Punjab courts.

Hammad Azhar appealed to the Chief Justice of Pakistan to end the fascism system in the country before he retires because now the youth of the nation have hopes from him and he can become immortal by doing this.

Condemning the attack on Rauf Hasan, the PTI leader said that after the incident that happened to him, I received a message from Khan Sahib to come out of hiding and come into the public eye, while earlier there was an instruction that the arrest Every situation must be avoided because I could have been tortured, soon Murad Saeed and other leaders will also emerge.

Although the sources told Runama Osaf that Murad Saeed will not come out at this time and will remain in hiding, according to the sources, Murad Saeed’s life is in danger, so he has been advised not to come out


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