HomeBusinessMother of two finds love during online games in Bhagalpur Woman elopes...

Mother of two finds love during online games in Bhagalpur Woman elopes with lover | Mother of two runs away with boy UP: Fell in love while playing an online game, wife returns after husband’s second marriage…now seeks expenses – Bhagalpur News Achi-News

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Bangbachia, a mother of two fell in love with a young man while playing an online Ludo game. She left her husband and went to UP to be with her lover. On the other hand, the woman’s husband also secretly married another woman without divorcing his first wife.


Not only that, when the first wife found out about the second marriage, she immediately left her lover and went to her mother-in-law’s house and started demanding maintenance expenses. This strange case of husband and wife is from Balha village in Bhanipur police station area of ​​Navgachia police district.

wife and lover

I fell in love with a boy from UP while playing Ludo online

It is said that the husband also filed a missing report of his wife with the police. When the woman was asked about the above matter, she said that she was married to Gautam Kumar, a resident of Balha, in 2018. His mother, sister and sister-in-law bothered me a lot. Meanwhile, while playing Ludo online, I fell in love with a boy from UP. After that she went to meet her lover. But the husband secretly married a second time on May 17, 2024 without getting a divorce.

leave me or not  To pay alimony - wife

leave me or not pay alimony – wife

There is no objection to her husband’s second marriage.

The wife said that now my demand is that if the husband married secretly then we have no objection to it. If you want to take care of us, then take care of us, otherwise you will bear the expenses of my maintenance along with the child, because I suffer from various diseases.

The first time I lived with my boyfriend for two and a half months.

In this case, the husband Gautam Kumar refused to keep his first wife. Gautam Kumar said that in 2022, Pooja ran away from home in my absence. I work in hyderabad. She ran for the first time in 2022. When she lived with her boyfriend for 2.5 months. When I got the information, I even went to Surat to look for it. But when I came to know about it, I returned to Hyderabad to work as a labourer. After 2.5 months she returned to her mother’s house. From there, his family members called me and told me it was a mistake. take it. After that we forgave him and brought him home.

He will not take care of the woman, the children are ours, the husband will take care of them

He will not take care of the woman, the children are ours, the husband will take care of them

Don’t want to leave the first wife with him

Husband Gautam further said that she ran away with her lover again after 7 months. After some time, his family members took him back to Rakshabandhan. After tying Rakhi, the woman ran away for the third time, after which we are no longer willing to keep him with us. We are ready to keep the children with us.

At the same time, the woman says that we were wrong once. We only ran away once. The second time when she ran away to her lover, he started misbehaving. After that we went to my aunt’s. We stayed with my aunt in Ludhiana for 8 months. My husband is lying.


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