HomeBusinessModi government pushes hard to establish dominance in India, CNN Achi-News

Modi government pushes hard to establish dominance in India, CNN Achi-News

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Freedom of the press in India is in dire straits, an unbiased Indian press and independent media have fallen victim to the extremism of the Modi government.

Regarding Modi’s extreme policies, the international media say that the Modi government is pushing hard to establish its hegemony in India. According to CNN, there has been a clear decline in press freedom in India under Modi’s rule.

India is ranked 161st in the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Global Press Freedom Index. After 2014, India fell 21 places under Modi’s rule according to a CNN report, in October 2020, Indian journalist Siddique Kapan was arrested for the crime of. Transparent Journalism Journalist Siddiq Kapan’s crime was that he was investigating the alleged gang-rape and murder of a Dalit girl.

The Indian journalist was charged under anti-terrorism and money laundering laws before the investigation unfolded in jail for more than two years. 21 journalists were arrested between 2014 and 2023.

According to CNN, Indian journalist Ravish Kumar has also been threatened with death several times by Modi and the BJP for its unbiased journalism are also under the influence of Modi’s fear and repression, apart from the Indian media Modi’s rule, with the BBC offices in India raided in 2023 on Broadcasting a documentary against Modi.

According to Al Jazeera and BBC reports, the last remaining independent media channel NDTV was also bought by Modi through Gautam Adani in 2022. The channels are playing the tune of the government due to severe pressure from the Modi government.

According to the Human Rights Watch report published in the Washington Post and the New York Times, in April 2024, Indian authorities expelled Australian journalist Avani Dias from India for covering the recent elections on September 30, 2020. Amnesty International closed its office in India after being fed up with the government’s repressive tactics. Modi wants to hide India’s true face from the world by banning the free press.



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