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‘Men! What’s the first thing you do when the wife and kids have just left the house for a few hours?’ The 17 funniest and most relatable comments Achi-News

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Pak Segal. Updated April 19, 2024

Now it goes without saying—especially if they’re reading this (who are we kidding?)—that we love sharing our home with our family. Of course we do!

And yet it’s always exciting—extremely exciting—on those rare occasions when everyone leaves the house at the same time and you’re left completely on your feet.

We mention this later Kitkatcrusher Ask it on Reddit.

‘Men of Reddit, what’s the first thing you do when the wife and kids just left the house for a few hours?’

And please, get your minds out of the sewers, people!

These 17 people probably said it best, our favorite funny and true answers.


“Take five decorative pillows off the bed and put them in the closet until the morning of your return.”
half slices


“I am not talking. I don’t play music. I don’t have the TV. I sit, in complete silence, reading my phone or anything else, but don’t have to answer anyone’s questions, don’t have to listen to anyone. Just complete silence for at least 15 minutes.

One time my wife took the kids out of town for a weekend with her sister. From Friday night when I got home from work until Monday morning when I got back, I didn’t speak a word. I just… existed. I watched shows, played games, drank whiskey and smoked cigars. I cleaned and did laundry.

I didn’t speak. I didn’t have to answer anyone’s questions.’


‘It never happens’.


“Turn off the lights left on in every room and closet.”
save save


“Not always, but I usually just sit there and think to myself, ‘I’m not married and I don’t have kids, so who the hell were these people?’
vinnymcapples sauce


“Well, first I clean the house… just kidding I usually hit my meat.”


‘Do loads of chores and such while I daydream about what I’m going to do when I have free time. It goes on until they come back.’
Jesse Custer40


‘To hell with the door open and shouting while doing it’.


“I cook a package of bacon and save the drippings. I cook basically everything in this fat until it’s gone.

‘Wife and daughter are vegetarians’.
Polar people


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