HomeBusinessMayor calls out 'hooliganism' in Kitchener Park on Victoria Day Achi-News

Mayor calls out ‘hooliganism’ in Kitchener Park on Victoria Day Achi-News

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Kitchener’s mayor has strong words for what happened in and around Victoria Park on Monday night, calling it reckless hooliganism, unsafe and violent behavior and a significant risk to public safety.

The terrifying scene took place on Victoria Day, when a large group of youths shot fireworks at each other, as well as bystanders, animals, bylaw officers and police.

“I was both very disappointed and very angry,” Mayor Barry Verbanovich told CTV News on Wednesday. “There seems to be a complete disregard for the safety of others.”

Waterloo Regional Police said one juvenile was arrested and charged with assault and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose.

No serious injuries were reported, but the mayor said there will be additional discussions involving city bylaws, property standards and internal security staff, as well as meetings with community safety partners, and in particular, Waterloo Regional Police.

While the mayor said it’s too early to suggest solutions, working with school boards will likely be a component, given the age of those involved.

“Getting young people to understand that… as a community, we need to take care of each other and make sure it’s a great community for everyone,” Verbanovich explained.

Adding to the concerns is the fact that a similar incident occurred on Victoria Day 2023, and Canada Day is just six weeks away.

Councilor Debbie Chapman said it was important to address the situation quickly, given how many people live in close proximity to Victoria Park.

She also received numerous messages from residents as the situation unfolded on Monday.

“People were scared, right, they didn’t know what might happen… or what might be caused by the activity that was happening around them,” Chapman explained.

Her constituents told her they are concerned it could become a repeat event, like the St. Patrick’s Day street parties in Waterloo’s University District, and want it dealt with quickly before it happens.

Chapman said there will likely be more bylaws and police enforcement at Victoria Park this year for Canada Day celebrations.

“These are people’s homes and people should be able to feel safe.”

Chapman expects a staff report on the Victoria Day incident to be available in a few weeks, and discussions can continue from there.

People run down Kitchener Street and shoot off fireworks on May 21, 2024. (Source: Harold Russell/Facebook)

However, one Kitchener city councilor said it was time to look at an outright ban on fireworks.

Councilman Paul Singh supported limiting fireworks displays to designated sites coordinated by the city when Kitchener made changes to its fireworks bylaw last year, and he even supports the decision after Monday’s events.

Singh hopes the bylaw will be obeyed and respected on Canada Day and Diwali later this year, but said if the rules aren’t enforced and people’s safety and property are at risk, a ban is the necessary next step.

The City of Woodstock recently decided to support a fireworks ban. They said there are too many people who don’t follow the rules around setting off fireworks.


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