HomeBusinessLethbridgeshire man harnesses wind with 'Art That Spins' - Lethbridge Achi-News

Lethbridgeshire man harnesses wind with ‘Art That Spins’ – Lethbridge Achi-News

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Art That Spins the founder, Doug Costall, has been taking advantage of the windy weather of southern Alberta for about 14 years by creating windmills and whirly-gigs for sale.

Located along Highway 520 near Barons, Costall’s creations can be seen spinning in the wind from miles away.

Although many of Costall’s pieces are displayed for sale on his property, he says he spends most of his time filling custom orders, which usually take him about two weeks to complete.

“Most people want something special, like a special tractor or something for their parents, or their names or their children’s names,” Costall said.

What started as a hobby in retirement has developed into a business, as prices for Costall pieces start at $150 for the smaller weather vanes.

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“The bigger ones are $225,” Costall said.

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“The whirly-gigs start at $200, they come with a seven-foot steel post, and the weather vanes come with address letters and either a roof mount or a steel post to put in your yard .”

A few miles down the road, Renee Turner has some Art That Spins pieces on display at his family farm, which he says bring the property to life.

“I like how, when you go down the highway, you know you’re getting close to home when you see [Costall’s] Art That Spins,” Turner said. “It’s kind of like a landmark.”

Costall says he hopes his customers enjoy looking out the window and seeing their customers Art That Spins pieces, and that the finished product is the most rewarding part of the process.

“I just enjoy doing them, that’s why I got into it,” Costall said. “I enjoy putting them all together, mostly. It feels good when you’re done and they look nice.”

More information about Costall weather knives and spiral gigs can be found on the Art That Spins website.

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