HomeBusinessKISHANGANJ NEWS, BIHAR NEWS, Fire broke out in two houses, property worth...

KISHANGANJ NEWS, BIHAR NEWS, Fire broke out in two houses, property worth lakhs burnt to ashes. Fire broke out in two houses, property worth lakhs burnt to ashes: fire brigade team took control, half a dozen cattle were also burnt – Kishanganj News (Bihar) Achi-News

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Kishanganj (Bihar)1 minute ago

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A massive fire suddenly broke out in a cottage of two families at around 4:00 PM in Tola Mandal in Tehgach Police Station area of ​​Kishanj. In a short time the fire took on a huge form. in which two houses were completely burned to ashes along with valuables. After the incident, an atmosphere of chaos prevails in the area.

After that, the local people informed the fire department about the incident.


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