HomeBusinessKillarney RCMP officers save money after flipping vehicles in water-filled ditch -...

Killarney RCMP officers save money after flipping vehicles in water-filled ditch – Winnipeg Achi-News

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Two RCMP officers in Western Manitoba were in the right place at the right time, helping to rescue the driver of a vehicle that had overturned its ride in a ditch.

It happened just after 11 am on Wednesday on Highway 18, about 10 kilometers north of Killarney.

The officers say they saw a southbound car lose control and flip onto its roof in a ditch full of water on the west shoulder.

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Sergeant. Eric Descoteaux was one of the officers who jumped into the fray as he called for an ambulance, while his partner jumped into the water.

“We didn’t know how deep the water was – it was a small vehicle too – so it was taking on water quickly,” said Descoteaux.

Fortunately, the passenger window was open and the officer was able to get the driver out of the vehicle.

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“The driver was completely wet when he was pulled out of the vehicle, so yes, seconds mattered in that moment,” said Descoteaux. “It happened very quickly, but we are used to dealing with high risk scenarios and very high stress events, so we were able to deal with the situation.”

The 20-year-old man who was driving the vehicle suffered minor injuries and was treated in hospital and released. He was wearing a seat belt, and Descoteaux says that helped save the man’s life.

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