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KAIMUR NEWS, BIHAR NEWS, Crime NEWS, Body of married woman found in suspicious condition. The dead body of a married woman was found in a suspicious condition: family members are accused of murder, signs of injury were found on the neck – Kimor News Achi-News

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A married woman died under suspicious circumstances at Sarawan village in Bhowa police station area in Kaimur. When the mother’s side came to know about the incident, they arrived at their father-in-law’s house and informed the Bahawa police. When the police arrived at the house of the deceased’s in-laws, the body was placed in the house and everyone fled.


The deceased was identified as Kajal Devi (28), the wife of Sunil Bind, a resident of Sarawan village in the area of ​​the police station in Abuah. The deceased’s father, Omprakash Bind, a resident of Danksha village in Durgauti police station area, said his daughter has been undergoing torture since he married Sunil Bind in 2014.

After completing the paperwork, the police sent the body for post-mortem to Sadar Hospital in Bhowa. Marks were seen on the deceased married woman’s neck. The mother’s side also says that there are signs of wounds in many places on the body. As of now, Maki’s side has not submitted any application to the police station. The police are busy investigating the whole matter.

Accused of murder

The uncle of the deceased, Jai Prakash Bind, known as Punjabi, said that my daughter’s husband had an illicit relationship with someone. which the girl objected to. In this case, the police also went to the house and the husband repeatedly tortured her to ask for money from her mother’s house to meet household expenses.

After that they killed my daughter by hanging. There are deep wound marks in many places on his body. We want the strictest action to be taken against all the people involved in the incident. Our daughter was murdered by five people together.

Action will be taken upon receipt of the request

The in-charge of the Bhava police station, Mukesh Kumar, said that when the police arrived at the scene after receiving the information, the body was left lying in the house. The in-laws escaped while completing the paperwork and the body was sent to Sadar Hospital in Bhowa for post-mortem. The family members have not yet submitted their request. Further actions will be taken immediately upon receipt of the request.


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