HomeBusinessJhajjar teen steam tractor bike accident dies | Teenager dies due...

Jhajjar teen steam tractor bike accident dies | Teenager dies due to collision with tractor in Jhajjar: He was traveling on motorcycle, originally resident of Bihar – Jhajjar News Achi-News

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A teenage boy riding a motorcycle died in a collision between a tractor and a motorcycle near Dubaldhan village in Jhajjar. The police have taken the body into custody and sent it for post-mortem.


According to the information, the deceased youth has been identified as Sunny, 18 years old, son of Ranjit Shah, resident of Karmtola village, Khagaria district, Bihar Sunny used to work as a labourer. He has a brother and a sister and his father also works hard. a tractor driver coming at high speed hit him, and he died as a result.

Investigating officer ASI Sandeep Kumar, who came from Beri police station in Jhajjar, said that information has been received from Beri Civil Hospital that a young man has sustained serious injuries in a road accident near Dubaldhan village, who has died, on which information the police team has arrived in Beri.

On the complaint of the deceased’s friend, a foreign resident of Punjab, the police have registered a case against the tractor driver for driving the tractor negligently. The police have carried out a post-mortem of the body and handed it over to the family members.


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