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Increase in price of sugar is not acceptable, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif Achi-News

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Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif says that the increase in the price of sugar in the country is not acceptable In the meeting, issues related to the export of sugar were reviewed and Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif was briefed that if sugar is not exported, sugar will is exported. The mills will go bankrupt and 40 sugar mills will be closed next season.

It was said in the briefing paper that sugar mills have paid 760 billion rupees out of 800 billion rupees to sugarcane farmers in this season, sugar mills have to pay 40 billion rupees to the farmers in this season.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif was told in the briefing that if sugar is not exported, sugar mills will not be able to grind in November, there is 1.5 million tons of surplus sugar in the country, if 5 million tons of sugar was exported, 26 million dollars will be earned.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said that the decision to export sugar will be taken by the Economic Coordination Committee.


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