HomeBusinessIMD Heatwave Nautapa 2024; Rajasthan AS UP Changing Weather Pattern Reason...

IMD Heatwave Nautapa 2024; Rajasthan AS UP Changing Weather Pattern Reason Explained | Trapped heat due to boiling sea water: Record temperature broke in April-May, heat wave 3 times bigger; what will happen next Achi-News

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April 2024 broke all summer records in India. This year North India had the hottest April on record. According to the Meteorological Department (IMD), the average temperature here in April this year was 2 degrees Celsius higher than normal. Likewise in East and South India also 19


Not much has changed even in May 2024. 10 states are boiling with heat. According to IMD, there will be hot weather conditions for 8 to 11 days in May 2024 in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Hot weather usually only lasts for 2-3 days in May.

Why is the highest heat ever in April-May, is the heat changing its pattern, what will happen next; You will know the answers to 9 such questions in Bhaskar Explainer…

Question 1: When does summer usually start or peak in the country?
answer: The summer season in the country can be divided into three parts…

1. before the summer season: Summer starts from March and April. Summer is considered to start with the arrival of heat waves from the first week of April.

2. Summer peak season: The heat is at its peak between May and mid-June. At this time the Sun moves from the Equator to the Tropic of Cancer, and because of that the heat begins to increase rapidly in the whole country.

3. Term after Summer: The heat starts to drop a bit from the last week of June. As monsoon winds move from one part of the country to another, people get a break from the heat. Many times, due to changes in the monsoon cycle, there is severe heat even in July.

Question 2: Has the summer season moved forward a few days this year?
answer: No, according to IMD meteorologist RK Jenamani, last year and even before that, heat waves started in some parts of the country from April. The only difference this time is that 3 times more hot weather occurs in different states of the country than last year.

Jenamani says that this time due to the change in wind direction, some places, especially some areas of states bordering the sea like Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Gujarat, South India, Maharashtra, have started experiencing intense heat in April itself. In such a situation, people in this area began to feel the heat of May a month earlier.

While Rajasthan and the surrounding areas, which we know as hot regions, have received rain. Because of this, the people here felt intense heat from the month of May.

Question 3: What are the reasons for this change in the country’s weather pattern?
answer: IMD Director General Dr. Mrityunjay Mohapatra explains that the development of weather across the world depends on wind and sea water. There are certain geographical mechanisms that cause the development of weather. For example, if the air comes to earth through sea water, then the cold air will bring moisture with it, which will cause rain.

If we talk about India, there are two main things responsible for the development of weather here…

1. Western Disturbance

2. Anti Cyclone

Question 4: What is this Western Disturbance and Anticyclone and how does it affect the weather?
Answer: Western Disturbance: The Mediterranean Sea is close to Iran. From there, the storm wind brings moisture to our country through the countries of the Gulf, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, known as the Western Disturbance.

Western Disturbance contains two English words, West and Disturbance. To the west of India is the Mediterranean Sea, and the wind comes from there so it is called westerly. While this wind comes to India and disrupts the weather pattern here, so the word disturbance was added. For example, if a Western Disturbance occurs during the winter season, it starts to rain or snow. In a way, this wind is responsible for unseasonal rain.

Most of the impact of Western Disturbance occurs in North India like Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Western Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand. This wind blows at a height of about 11 kilometers from the ground.

If ever this wind starts blowing at a lower altitude than this, it hits the Himalayas and causes rain from Vidarbha to Central India.

anticycloneAccording to Gayatri Vani Kanchibhotla, being actively anti-cyclone means that the wind direction will be clockwise. Generally, air enters the country from the sea. These winds cause cooling.

Due to anti-cyclone, hot winds from Telangana, Chhattisgarh and other states started flowing towards the sea through Odisha, West Bengal and Andhra. Because of this, the areas located by the sea became hot. Anticyclone is not active since last 15 days. Now the weather is like a normal summer.

Now you will think why this anticyclone becomes active and why the wind direction changes? The answer is to heat or cool seawater. If the water gets hot due to global warming or other reasons while it is cold, the direction of the wind changes.

Question 5: What is the reason for more heat and hot weather in other parts of the country instead of Rajasthan in April?
answer: IMD Raipur meteorologist Dr Gayatri Vani Kanchibhotla said that anti-cyclone becomes operational in April. This means that the direction of cold air coming into the country through the Bay of Bengal has changed. Now the wind from the rest of the hot states of the country started blowing towards Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. Because of this, heat was trapped and the entire coastal area became hot.

Its biggest impact was in states like Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. It was extremely hot here this month because of the hot weather.

At the same time, due to the Western Disturbance, it rained in Rajasthan in the month of April itself, due to which there was not much heat here. But because of this mechanism, the wind direction in coastal India was reversed, and because of that there was a lot of heat here.

The main reason for the phenomenon seen this time is the change in the surface temperature of the Bay of Bengal and the Mediterranean Sea. If such patterns are seen at a particular time for several consecutive years, then just consider that the weather pattern has changed or that there has been some change in it.

Question 6: Have March and April been warmer this time compared to last year?
answer: Yes, according to the Meteorological Department, the highest temperature in the country reached close to 32 degrees Celsius in March 2024. While the highest temperature in March was around 31.7 degrees Celsius.

Similarly, the minimum temperature has also increased from 17.7 degrees Celsius to 18.14 degrees Celsius this month. It clearly means that the country has been hotter this March.

According to the Copernicus Climate Change Service, the world’s average temperature is expected to increase by 0.70 degrees Celsius in April 2024. The average March temperature in the world between 1991 and 2020 is 13.44 degrees Celsius. In March this year the world’s average temperature has risen to 14.14 degrees Celsius.

At the same time, in April 2024, the number of hot weather days was the highest in West Bengal in the last 15 years and in Odisha in the last 9 years. In Odisha too, the hot weather lasted for a maximum of 16 days in April this year since 2016.

Last year in April there were only 40 hot weather days, and this time there were 3 times more ie 117 hot weather days in the country. South India recorded an average maximum temperature of 31 degrees Celsius for April, the second highest in 123 years.

Question 7: Is there a possibility of more hot days this time than last year?
answer: Yes, Dr Mrityunjay Mohapatra says that due to a change in seasonal winds and El Nino, there will be more days of heat this year compared to other years.

Question 8: When is there a possibility of relief from the scorching heat in the country?
answer: Meteorologist RK Jenamani says relief from hot weather or heat comes only when it rains. Wherever the monsoon wind moves through the country, there is relief from hot weather and heat.

Around June 20, monsoon air reaches Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi or neighboring states. Sometimes the monsoon wind arrives a few days late.

IMD had estimated that this time in May, there would be more than normal heat waves in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana , Odisha, West Bengal. This clearly means that the chances of relief in the hot weather prone state (the state most affected by hot weather) this month are very less.

Question 9: What effect does the change in weather due to heat have on ordinary people?
answer: The effect of increased heat can be seen like this…

effect on crops: The Meteorological Department had issued a warning last month that the temperature in most areas of the country will be higher than normal between April and June. Due to this, there is a possibility of adverse effect on summer crops in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka.

The rise in temperature may not have much effect on the wheat ready to be harvested in April, but the wheat crop that had not yet matured may wilt due to the extreme heat.

Apart from this, an increase in temperature can also have a negative effect on vegetables, pulses and sugarcane crops. If forage production for cattle is affected by extreme heat, milk production may also decrease.

Food prices and inflation will increaseAccording to Radhika Rao, an economist at DBS Research Group, if the heat wave continues for more days than usual in May, then inflation may increase by 30 to 50 basis points.

The result will be that the vegetable which was available at Rs 20 per kg last year, will be available at Rs 30 to Rs 35 per kg this time. This means that inflation will increase by 50% to 80% this season compared to last year.

At the same time, CareAge’s Chief Economist, Rajni Sinha, said that the direct impact of hot weather can be seen on three things – 1. On the income of people living in rural areas 2. On the prices of food items 3. In rural India .On health the people who live there.

Sinha further explains that on the one hand, in March 2024, consumer inflation became the lowest in 10 months at 4.9%. At the same time, the price of food items increased by 8.5% this month. In such a situation, it is clear that food inflation will increase further due to hot weather. Especially the heat is sure to have an effect on the prices of green vegetables.

water crisis: Due to the hot weather, southern states like Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka are facing severe shortage of water storage and cities like Bengaluru are facing severe water crisis. Bengaluru Jal Nigam has termed 257 places in the city as dry spots and said there is severe shortage of drinking water there.

Due to changes in weather patterns, water in more than 150 of the country’s main reservoirs has reduced by 30% of the total storage capacity.

The water level is falling fastest due to heat in eastern and southern India. According to the Central Water Commission, the water level in the water reservoirs of the eastern and southern regions of the country has dropped to 39% and 17% respectively.


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