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If you memorize exam learning then it will be difficult to score better marks, now skill based questions will increase. If you memorize an exam, it will be difficult to get better marks, now skill based questions will increase – Dhanbad News Achi-News

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Students will no longer be able to appear in exams by memorizing notes and books. If you do this then it will be difficult to get better marks. CBSE has started preparations for this. Schools have also been informed of this. Now more questions related to critical thinking, contingency skills and problem solving skills will be asked in the exam. To solve these, it will be more important for the students to understand the lesson rather than memorizing it. In fact, CBSE has made some changes in the distribution of marks in the question papers for the annual examination for the session 2024-25, which it is considered to start doing as per the provisions of the National Education Policy 2020. It has been decided not to make any special changes in class 10th question papers. The distribution of marks in class 12 question papers will change. For example, skill based questions will increase by 10%. Keeping this in mind, schools have also started their preparations. The changes in the pattern of the question papers are explained to the students, so that they can prepare themselves mentally from now on.

Dr Prashant Kumar, Principal of Montfort Academy, Amagatha, said that skill-based questions will increase from 40% to 50% in the 12th board exam. Therefore, preparations are made to reduce the number of questions directly from the particular lesson. In such a situation, children will have to develop a good understanding of any lesson, only then will they be able to answer more questions correctly. There is the issue of keeping multiple choice questions to only 20%. But, there is a possibility of an increase in skill-based questions in these too. In this way, children will have to gain better proficiency in their subject, only then will they be able to perform well in the 2025 annual exam.


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