HomeBusinessIf the anger of the Vishyas continues then there will be trouble,...

If the anger of the Vishyas continues then there will be trouble, if it subsides then there will be relief. Shaohar, Sivan and Maharajjanj: If the anger of the Vaishyas continues then there will be trouble, if it calms down then it will be easy – Shaohar News Achi-News

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who chose… Even in the last phase of the elections, Visha seemed to get involved in the two-sided calculation of the votes and the claims and counter-claims related to it. The rest of the votes were considered permanent.


Sivan…my equation doesn’t work here. This time too my equation was destroyed just like in 2009.

Maharajganj… Janardan Singh Sigriwal is troubled by opposition to the post while Akash Kumar Singh is troubled by infighting among local Congressmen.

Amit Shah, who had the status of the ‘next two’ in the administration of the state, became a ‘merchant’ in this field. At Sitmarhi’s meeting he called himself a ‘merchant son’. Amit Shah’s criticism of his caste during the counting of votes was seen as an attempt to remove the resentment of the Vishyas from the NDA.

The NDA is confident that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting in the region on May 21 completed the remaining work of convincing the Vaishyas; And Isha agreed. But, ‘India’ rejected this promise of NDA. Suresh Gupta (Birgania) claimed – this cannot happen. No matter what anyone does. First a reprimand, now a caste explains. This is the height of. And when everyone deals with his own caste, why not us? Anand Mohan, husband of the lovely NDA candidate Anand, interrupted Suresh and said – and wife is ours. This is a fight between the public and a party. The people bring great strength to the land. What is this resistance (RJD)?

In fact, the biggest solution to winning the election that ‘whoever gets the most votes from the Vishayim will win’, seems to have become entangled in bilateral calculations and claims and counterclaims related to it even in the last round of the committee. Elections. Vishya was an NDA voter. But in this election, sitting MLAs from Shivhar and nearby Sitamarhi from their own caste were boycotted the tickets and were very angry with the NDA.

RJD increased the troubles of JDU’s charming Anand by giving ticket to Ritu Jaiswal from Shivhar. The Vishyas saw in Rito their satisfaction with the caste and a suitable answer to the NDA meaning everything. Here, the NDA, well aware of all this, has left no stone unturned in capturing or normalizing this very challenging front of Vashyas. Amit Shah didn’t call himself ‘merchant son’ in Sitamari for nothing; Prime Minister Mutihari did not just walk away. The Shivhar Lok Sabha constituency spans both the districts. Due to such many efforts by NDA, Lovely’s vote seemed to recover within a week.

If the recovery rate continues, she can overtake Rito. But no stone was left unturned in giving a break. It also seems effective. A huge effort was made to gather votes at the last minute. from both sides. The situation of cut competition left both sides nervous. There were a lot of last-minute accusations and counter-accusations between the two.

Ritu’s sarcastic lines about Anand Mohan resonated a lot that ‘Of course, I lack experience. I have no experience killing a DM and staying in jail. Anand Mohan, DM G Krishnaiah is out of jail after completing his sentence in the murder case. In response to Ritu, Anand called her a girl. He said, ‘Lord Lalu Prasad has lost after creating a whole conspiracy against me. I was conspiratorially involved in the G Krishna murder case. I am out due to the order of the Supreme Court.

If we put aside the battle for votes and a woman, it seems that the base votes of both parties have been determined. Under the pretext of elections, a struggle for caste supremacy is seen in the region. The NDA (especially Rajput) voters talk a lot. He is aggressive. In a way, his aggression is helpful in mobilizing the backward people. This is Rito’s advantage. Lovely’s advantage is that she is an NDA candidate and the BJP is determined to win all the seats by taking them on its own.


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