HomeBusinessHow long does the heat wave last? More hot weather is...

How long does the heat wave last? More hot weather is predicted, see Achi-News

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With temperatures rising in around 26 districts, the Ministry of Climate Change revealed on Thursday that the ongoing heat wave will continue till May 30.

In addition, two more heat waves are predicted for June. The ministry blamed unsustainable environmental practices and deforestation for these extreme weather conditions.

During a press conference, the Prime Minister’s Coordinator on Climate Change Rumina Khurshid Alam urged federal and provincial government agencies to use all possible resources to protect citizens, especially children and the elderly, from extreme heat.

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According to the official, citing data from the Pakistan Meteorological Department, the temperature is currently rising 5 to 6 degrees Celsius above normal levels in various regions. He further said that 26 districts of Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan are suffering from severe heat wave.

The current wave, which will last between May 22 and May 30, will be followed by two more waves in June. According to Romina Alam, the second heat wave is expected between June 7 and June 8, the third wave is expected during the last week of June.


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