HomeBusinessHisar Lok Sabha police-paramilitary personnel election flag parade. , Police and...

Hisar Lok Sabha police-paramilitary personnel election flag parade. , Police and paramilitary flag parade in Hisar: Appeal to vote without fear; Licensees should deposit their weapons – Narnaund News Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

In order to conduct the elections peacefully in the Hisar Lok Sabha constituency in Haryana, the police and paramilitary forces personnel on Wednesday held a flag march in the Bass area of ​​the Police Station and urged citizens to vote without fear and warned the police about the activities of elements. antisocial.


During the flag parade, he appealed to the citizens to cooperate with the administration to maintain law and order and vote without fear. He said that the Lok Sabha elections should be held in a peaceful and fearless environment. In this regard, the police together with the personnel of the paramilitary forces took out a flag march in the Bass police station area and appealed to the common people to vote impartially and without fear.

During this he said that the code of conduct for the election was in force. Follow the civil code of conduct. Respect each other and co-operate with the police to maintain peace. Strict action will be taken against those who violate the election code of conduct. Report suspicious people to the police immediately. Immediately surrender your licensed firearms at the nearest police station and gun house.


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