HomeBusinessHisar Hansi district smallest class 4 female student retired PTI molested. ...

Hisar Hansi district smallest class 4 female student retired PTI molested. , Class 4 student tampering in Haryana: Retired PTI caught her playing in the street, then touched her inappropriately; Ruckus among family members – Narnaund News Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

Narnaund16 hours ago

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It is alleged that, while playing in the street, the retired teacher held on to the girl’s hand and started molesting her. A symbolic picture.

A class 4 student was killed in Hisar, Haryana. The blame for this lies with PTI who has retired from the women’s village. The incident happened last night at around 7pm. The girl was playing at that time. After that there was a commotion in the village and the girl’s family arrived at the police station in the evening with a complaint.

The girl’s family claims that the girl died at home on Friday night.


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