HomeBusinessHighway speeding hits cyclist | Speeding highway hits a bike rider:...

Highway speeding hits cyclist | Speeding highway hits a bike rider: An accident happened on road number four Kurkapaniya, who used to work in a Bed and Breakfast area – Bokaro News Achi-News

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Bokaro5 hours ago

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Cyclist dies in highway collision (file photo)

A speeding highway hit a bike rider, CCL employee Ghanshyam Thakur (50 years), who lives in Angwali, on Bokaro Thermal-Kurpania road number-4 under Bokaro district, between Khasmahal-Kurpania. Because of this he fell and was seriously injured. After the incident, the driver of the Hiva fled away with the Hiva.

Passersby took him to hospital


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