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Haryana woman thrown out house nasty | Bhiwani News | In Bhiwani, a woman was beaten and thrown out of the house: She had protested against her husband’s dirty activities, made allegations of unnatural sex – Bhiwani News Achi-News

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In Bhiwani, Haryana, when a woman stopped her husband from keeping indecent pictures and videos of women, the accused husband beat her brutally. The woman claims that her husband and his in-laws also demanded a dowry.


The victim claims that the atrocities escalated because dowry demands were not met. The woman has also accused her brother-in-law of using force.

Friends in law harass you about dowry

A woman living in Bharat Nagar Gayatri School area in Bhiwani said that she was married to Mukesh on 22 September 2017. My family had given cash, jewellery, clothes, women’s wealth and other household items as dowry beyond’ w way On the first night of our marriage he demanded more dowry from me. After failing to fulfill this demand, he began to be harassed in his in-laws’ house. He would be beaten.

The victim made serious allegations against her husband

The victim claims that the accused man sexually assaulted her by having unnatural sex. When people protest, they are beaten. The victim said that the brother-in-law also started keeping an evil eye. One day the brother-in-law even forced himself on her. The woman said that her husband keeps indecent pictures and videos of women with him.

When she protested against her husband’s wrong doings, she was brutally beaten and thrown out of the house. The injured woman has been admitted to Bhiwani civil hospital for treatment.

The police investigated the case

After the victim’s complaint, the Industrial Station Police has registered a case against her husband, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law. The police are currently busy investigating the matter.


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