HomeBusinessHaryana Karnal miscreants hooliganism case news updates, tea stalls set on fire,...

Haryana Karnal miscreants hooliganism case news updates, tea stalls set on fire, petrol also created ruckus. Mischief creates havoc on Karnal NH-44: Tea kiosk set on fire, youth’s arm broken, liquor sales and petrol pumps also create ruckus – Karnal News Achi-News

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View of shopkeeper’s burnt goods.

Last night, bike riding miscreants created ruckus around CHD City on Karnal National Highway-44. The mischievous youth created a ruckus in the drinks vending machine, then also attacked people and shopkeepers of the nearby tea stalls, even breaking the arm of a young man and injuring another.


The cylinder kept in the kiosk also exploded and the bike was also burnt. The owner of the shop was seen crying after seeing his kiosk burnt. The matter was reported to the police. After that the police arrived at the spot. The police are investigating the matter

The shopkeeper of the victim Dharampal gives information.

he came late at night on bicycles Fraudulent

The shopkeeper Bijendra Singh said that some mischievous youths came on bikes late at night and as soon as they came, they started beating up a youth and there were around 20-22 people. Who had sticks in their hands. The shopkeeper Dharampal said that he had made a kiosk here and yesterday only that he had given goods worth Rs 25-30 thousand. The bike was parked outside and a cylinder was also kept inside and that was also blown. Dharampal said that his son worked in the dhaba opposite, there also his son was beaten and his arm was broken. Miscreants also create ruckus at petrol pumps.

A scene of burnt goods and a bicycle in the kiosk.

A scene of burnt goods and a bicycle in the kiosk.

Check CCTV Police

​Dharampal said that we reached home at 2.30 in the evening and only then did I get a call that the kiosk had been set on fire. When I got there, everything was burnt. The boy is admitted to hospital and receives treatment there. Dharampal said the morale of the perpetrators was high. The kiosk has been set on fire for fun. Now if the police search the CCTV cameras then they can catch the accused.

Police on VIP duty Busy

​Let us tell you that elections are going on right now and police teams are on VIP duty. The police are busy with VIP duty and the miscreants are busy creating a ruckus. At the moment a complaint has been given to the police and the police are investigating the matter.


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