HomeBusinessHaryana DC Dhirendra Khadgata stood a line vote as a regular voter....

Haryana DC Dhirendra Khadgata stood a line vote as a regular voter. Nuh News | Nuh DC Dhirendra Khargata cast his vote: he stood in line like a normal voter, cast his vote after the number came – Nuh News Achi-News

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DC Dhirendra Khargata stood in line to cast his vote.

In order to conduct elections in Nuh district in a fair, free and peaceful manner, Deputy Commissioner Dhirendra Khadgata visited the polling centers and weighed the entire voting process. Along with this, Deputy Commissioner Khargata inspected the control room in the auditorium of the Small Secretariat.


A voting dashboard was used to find out the voting percentage.

In this control room, the voting percentage was also detected hourly through the voting dashboard. Similarly, queue management information was also received from the control room. By controlling the queue, it was known how many men and women were standing in the queue to vote every half hour. The Sector Officer’s report was also received from the control room. Six telephone sets of voter helpline numbers were also installed in the control room, and incoming calls were processed immediately.

A team was formed for monitoring

Apart from this, a separate control room was also set up in the GIS Laboratory in the Mini Secretariat. Here, different teams were formed for monitoring, which monitored their assigned polling stations. In order to maintain law and order during the voting, a separate control room was established for each Assistant Returning Officer at the Yasin Meo Degree College. Similarly, divisional level control rooms were also created.

DC Dhirendra Khargata came out after casting his vote.

DC voted in booth number 101

District Deputy Commissioner and District Electoral Officer Dhirendra Khadgata arrived at Nuh Municipal Council premises and cast his vote at polling station number 101. Let us tell you that the District Deputy Commissioner stood in the queue like a normal voter and only when his number came, he went to the polling station and cast his vote.


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