HomeBusinessHaryana bike riding car accident Father dies son injured | Hisar...

Haryana bike riding car accident Father dies son injured | Hisar News | Thar collides with bike in Hisar: Father died in the accident, son injured, accident happened near JIO petrol pump – Hisar News Achi-News

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A Thar vehicle hit a father and son riding a bike in front of a Jio petrol pump near Gangwa village in Hisar district. The father who was riding the bike died at the scene of the accident.


It is said that the two go from the village to Hisar on the back of a bicycle. On the complaint of the family of the deceased, the police have registered a case against the driver of the Thar vehicle.

The father and son were going from the village to Hisar

In the statement given to the police, Rawatkheda resident Ishwar Singh said that he was working at Hisar new grain market. On Thursday, he, Satbir and his son Sanuj were standing at the village bus stand. After this, after talking to both of them, they were going to Hisar on separate bikes. He said that Satbir and his son were on different bikes. When we reached in front of the JIO petrol pump near Gangwa, in front of me, a black Thar vehicle was coming from Hisar at a very high speed and carelessly hit Satbir’s bike.

Satbir died on the spot in this accident. His son Sanuj was seriously injured. On the complaint of Ishwar Singh, the family of the deceased, the Azad Nagar police station has registered a case against the driver of the Thar vehicle. The police have started further action by sending the body for post-mortem.


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