HomeBusinessGUWAHATI: Commuters must be careful while traveling on Kahilipara-Bhangar link road Achi-News

GUWAHATI: Commuters must be careful while traveling on Kahilipara-Bhangar link road Achi-News

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The shortcut road connecting Kahilpara to Bangagra via Narkasur hill has deteriorated, poses serious risks, is a cause of widespread concern


The shortcut road connecting Kahilpara to Bangar via Naraksur Hill, near the Gaheti Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), has once again become a focus of public concern. This route, known for its frequent use by passengers, patients and students, has deteriorated into a dangerous situation, and especially endangers the two-wheeled riders at night. Even in broad daylight, some glitches are quite obvious.


“It’s a nightmare to drive after dark. Potholes and lack of proper lighting make it a death trap,” laments a daily commuter. The road, which underwent temporary improvements, quickly descended, posing serious risks to its users.

Parents of GMCH students echo similar fears. “My son takes this route every day to college. I worry every day until he gets home,” said a worried mother. The state of the road increases anxiety among parents, especially in light of the frequent sight of riders without helmets and the lack of enforcement of traffic laws.


Residents of the area also express frustration. “The road is almost unusable, but it remains a vital route for many. The authorities seem indifferent to our plight,” commented a local resident.


Despite being marked with travel restrictions such as one-way traffic and speed limits, violations are rampant due to minimal vigilance. The route is not supervised for public transport vehicles, which further contributes to the chaos and frequent accidents.


Daily users, such as a health worker, emphasize the urgent need for intervention. “Every day I see at least one accident. It’s time for the authorities to intervene with a permanent solution.”


The condition of the road has implications beyond the safety of daily commuters only. For patients requiring urgent medical care at GMCH, the delay caused by navigating the treacherous lane can have serious consequences. “During an emergency, every second counts. The current condition of the road is unacceptable for a route leading to a major hospital,” said a concerned citizen.


Furthermore, students from GMCH and nearby institutions rely heavily on this track. “We are often late for classes or exams because we have to make detours or drive extra slowly to avoid accidents. It’s very stressful,” shared a medical student. The poor condition of the road is not only an inconvenience but also a potential barrier to their education.


Local shop owners and businesses along the route also felt the impact. "The poor condition of the road significantly reduced foot traffic. Customers avoid coming here because they don’t want to risk their vehicles," explained Ragu, who owns a small food stall in the area. This drop in business adds to the economic pressure on local businesses already struggling to recover from the pandemic.


The lack of infrastructure and maintenance also leads to puddles during the monsoon season, which further worsens the situation. “When it rains, the holes fill with water, which makes them invisible and even more dangerous,” said a resident. This seasonal challenge adds another layer of risk, especially for those who don’t know the way.


While the public outcry is growing, the authorities have not yet taken significant steps. Occasional patches and temporary fixes are not enough to address the underlying problems. Comprehensive planning and continuous efforts are needed to bring about continuous improvements.


“The authorities must prioritize this issue. Proper lighting, regular maintenance and strict enforcement of traffic laws are essential,” added another citizen. The public suggests that the implementation of these measures may significantly improve road safety and reduce accidents.


In the absence of immediate intervention, the road condition is expected to worsen, leading to more serious accidents and possibly death. The failure of local government to act quickly and effectively raises serious concerns about public safety and accountability.


While speaking to GPlus, an official from the Public Works Department said, "We were not aware of the situation as some projects are going on in this area. To further improve the conditions, we will plan some effective measures."


Earlier, major accidents were also reported near the descent towards Khilifra. Due to the extreme geographical factor, the part turns out to be a potential threat.


As the rainy season approaches, the urgency for repairs and improvements becomes even more critical. Commuters and residents continue to hope for swift and decisive action to make this death trap a safe passage for all.



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