HomeBusinessGurugram- Sohna district Gurgaon Canal mutilates the body of a youth. ...

Gurugram- Sohna district Gurgaon Canal mutilates the body of a youth. Mutilated body of a youth found in a canal in Gurugram: The body of the dead had been torn apart by a gun; Could not be identified at this time – Gurugram News Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

Gurugram6 minutes ago

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The body of a 40-year-old youth was found in the Gurgaon Canal near Khutpuri village in Gurugram, Haryana. The dead body was torn to pieces by dogs. The discovery of a dead body in the canal created a sensation in the surrounding area. When the people of the village informed the Sohna police about this, the police reached the spot and started an investigation. The dead body appears to be about 2 weeks old. The deceased has not been identified and the body has been kept at the Sohna Civil Hospital.

According to the information, the Sohna police received information that a young man


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