HomeBusinessGurugram Sector 5 CGS dispensary garbage burnt. , Car burnt in...

Gurugram Sector 5 CGS dispensary garbage burnt. , Car burnt in smoke in Gurugram, VIDEO: Garbage caught fire outside CGS dispensary; The family approached the doctor in Tata Punch – Gurugram News Achi-News

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Gurugram11 hours ago

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Car burning in Sector 5.

Fire incidents do not stop in Gurugram, Haryana. Now a garbage dump caught fire in Sector 5 area. A car parked near the garbage dump was also burnt due to the fire. The incident happened at around 1 o’clock on Monday. As soon as information about the fire was received, the fire brigade team reached the spot. By then Tata Punch’s car was completely burnt.

Jawahar car owner gives information.

Jawahar car owner gives information.

The owner of the car, Jawahar Singh, said it was Chital of Sector 109.


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