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GOPALGANJ NEWS, BIHAR NEWS, News Accidents, Father and son died due to electrocution. Father and son died due to electrocution: an accident happened while driving to the fields in Gopalganj, a body was found in the morning – Gopalganj News Achi-News

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A father and son died on the spot due to electrocution in Samarhi village under Jadpur police station area in Gopalganj. On Monday morning, when the local residents saw the body, they informed the relatives of the deceased. Chaos then reigned among the family members who arrived.


After the information, the police reached the spot and sent the body for post-mortem at Gopalganj Sardar Hospital and started investigating the case. The deceased were identified as 50-year-old Ramjeesh Yadav and his 23-year-old son Kamlesh Kumar, residents of Samarhi village.

An accident happened while driving to the fields

It is said that Ramjeesh Yadav, a resident of Samarhi village in the Jeddpur police station area, along with his son Kamlesh Kumar Yadav, after dinner as usual, went to the fields on Sunday night to look after the crops. Meanwhile, the high voltage wire broke and fell on the farm road, which both of them did not see and were hit by it.

Because of this, both the father and the son died. Since it was night time, no one was there, and therefore no one could reach out to help him. In the morning, when some people went towards the fields, they saw the bodies of both of them lying there and informed their families. The late Kamlesh was the eldest among the brothers and also has a three-month-old child.

The police were investigating

Superintendent of Police Vikas Pandey said two people died after coming in contact with high voltage wires. A postmortem of the body is being performed. The issue is currently under investigation.


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