HomeBusinessGoa: Handicapped Tinkesh created history, climbed Mount Everest base camp, lost 2...

Goa: Handicapped Tinkesh created history, climbed Mount Everest base camp, lost 2 legs and one arm as a child. – Amr Ojala Hindi Live News Achi-News

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A triple amputee, Tinkesh Kaushik, who arrived at Mount Everest Base Camp
– Photo: X/@Tinkesh93


30-year-old Tinkesh Kaushik from Goa created history when he reached the base camp of Mount Everest because he is disabled. Despite physical disabilities, Tinkesh completed the challenging journey on May 11.

30-year-old Tinkesh who is a triple amputee (a person who is missing two legs or arms or a person who is missing two arms and one leg). He says that at the age of 9 he got into an accident due to electrocution in Haryana. Bo lost both legs and an arm below the knee. After fitting artificial limbs, Tinkesh went to Goa. There he continued to work as a fitness trainer.

Became the first amputee to reach Mount Everest Base Camp, located 17,598 feet above sea level. Tinkesh says that at first he thought this climb would be easy because he is a fitness trainer, but when the challenges came he realized it was not easy. According to him, the first day was very painful because of amputation and artificial limbs.

According to him, “I found the treks challenging. The next day I said I have to do it. It’s a trek worth doing. But the next day I was determined to complete it. He said he felt unwell several times in between. Facing mountains but strengthened my mental strength and completed the the journey

After completing the journey, Tinkesh posted on Instagram that today, May 11, 2024, I completed the challenge of trekking to Everest Base Camp. Achieved this feat with a 90 percent mobility disability. This too, as the first triple amputee, it was a very exciting moment for me. I did it for me and I did it for a purpose. I thank everyone who supported me to make this a reality.


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