HomeBusinessGaya murdered her husband along with her lover's body was thrown 2...

Gaya murdered her husband along with her lover’s body was thrown 2 km away. Her husband was murdered along with her lover…her body was thrown 2 km away: a mother of two children in Gaya had an affair for 9 years, filed a missing person FIR – Gaya News Achi-News

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In Gaya, on May 19, the woman together with her lover murdered her husband. The body was then packed in a sack and thrown into a well 2 kilometers from the village. After disposing of the body, the woman arrived at the Dobi police station the next day on May 20 and filed a missing person’s report against her husband.


When the police started an investigation, they were able to reach the incident with the help of local residents. The police then arrested the woman and her lover on May 22. The matter is in the village of Kanjiar in the area of ​​the Dubai police station.

File photo of the deceased.

Filed a missing report for her husband

Shragati SDPO Sanjeet Kumar Prabhat said that on May 20, Ruby Devi, a resident of Kanjiar, filed a missing report of her husband Rajesh Yadav. As soon as the case was registered, a special police team was formed and investigation began.

During the investigation, people from Kanjiar village said that there were huge blood stains in the garden. The police then checked the garden. Brajesh Yadav’s call details were also extracted.

The woman had an illicit relationship for 9 years

According to the call details, the last call on the night of May 19 was from Pintu Vishwakarma of the same village. For this Pinto Vishwakarma was arrested by the police. Through careful interrogation he revealed all his secrets. Pinto told that he had an illicit relationship with Robbie Devi for the past 9 years.

Brajesh Yadav was murdered on the orders of Robbie Devi. Both of them together threw the body into the well of Patti village in Barchati police station area, 2 kilometers away from the village.

The police and the accused as well.

The police and the accused as well.

Murder by beating with a rod

The police retrieved the body from the well on the orders of Pinto Vishwakarma. Ruby Devi was also arrested. Ruby Devi also confessed to her crime. Ruby Devi told the police that as part of the plan, on the night of May 19, she got Pinto Vishwakarma to call and invite Brajesh to meet him at the kindergarten. As soon as Brajesh reached the garden, Pinto attacked him from behind with a pole on his head and killed him.

Two children aged 5 and 7

Brajesh’s body was then sealed in a sack. Then both of them together hung the body by the leg and threw it into the well. The woman said that when Brajesh Yadav goes to kindergarten, she also followed him there. Ruby Devi got married in 2012. Ruby also has two children aged 5 and 7.


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