HomeBusinessFrom the new session, four-year degree courses will be taught in 87...

From the new session, four-year degree courses will be taught in 87 colleges of GGU. From the new session, four-year degree courses will be taught in 87 colleges of GGU – Ambikapur News (Sorguja) Achi-News

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From the new session, studies of four-year UG interdisciplinary degree course under the new education policy 2000 will begin in 87 colleges run under Saint Gahira Guru University. The university has started preparing the syllabus.

The university along with the colleges organized a workshop on the new education policy on May 29 in which the subject expert Dr. GA Ghanshyam of the higher education department from Raipur will participate. There are about 25 thousand seats in many UG faculties in the colleges run under the university. Now the entire course will be different. Students studying here will take an interdisciplinary course. It will be a semester based course. In this, students can also get the opportunity to do a Ph.D. for this To score 7.5 CGPA they will have to study only one year.The most important thing is that students can choose any one subject from their own faculty and he will get his degree. Currently, in the old course, students have the option to choose only their faculty subjects.

Colleges will also have to work double for two years: Students of old UG courses will also have to study for two years in colleges. This will cause double workload in colleges. The management will have to make separate preparations for the first year UG students who will be admitted to the new course. If a student does a four-year degree course through an interdisciplinary course, then he has the option of choosing a subject from a different faculty than his own. Today, in a three-year course, a B.Sc mathematics group student takes mathematics, physics and chemistry. In an interdisciplinary course, after mathematics and physics, he can also take any subject from other streams in arts and commerce. The same formula will also apply to students of another faculty.

Our preparation in the final stage, we will overcome the problems under the new education policy 2000, an interdisciplinary four-year degree course will start in colleges starting from this meeting. His preparations are almost complete. The curriculum was also ready. On May 29, a workshop was organized with colleges on the subject of preparations. There will also be a question and answer session. No problem will arise. Whatever minor problems there are, they will be solved. -Dr. Shraddha Prasad Tripathi, Registrar, St. Gahira Guru University, Ambikapur

Students will receive the benefit of a credit bank in the event of a gap in studies created for the students doing a degree course from a four-year course. In this way, if a student leaves his studies in the middle for any reason, then any study he did in class will be added to the credit bank. If he re-enters admission, his previous studies will also be integrated into it and he will be able to appear in the main exam. It will save students years.


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