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Former US pilot accused of training Chinese military loses legal bid to block extradition Achi-News

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A former American fighter pilot and Australian citizen has been found eligible for extradition to his own former home country to be prosecuted on charges of illegal aid to the Chinese military.

Former top gun Daniel Duggan served 19 months in a maximum security prison ahead of a hearing in a Sydney court today on the US extradition order.

Judge Daniel Rice ruled he was fit for extradition this afternoon after barrister Brett Walker SC said Court Dugan could not mount a legal defense.
Former American fighter pilot Daniel Duggan is accused of providing military training to Chinese pilots. (60 minutes)

When asked by the judge if today’s hearing would be controversial, Walker told the court: “Not really, no.”

There was no disputing the written material provided by lawyers for the US, he added.

The judge ordered Dogan to be held in custody to await extradition as part of a temporary surrender order, an order he can appeal for review within 15 days.

Reis noted that the position of Dugan’s lawyers “will significantly streamline the considerations”.

The 55-year-old was arrested in Australia at the behest of the US after he was accused of violating arms trade laws by providing military training to Chinese pilots in South Africa between 2010 and 2012, allegedly receiving around $100,000 for his services.

Duggan’s wife, children and supporters gathered outside the Downing Center Local Court before the extradition hearing to call for his freedom.

“This deliberate torture must stop today,” said Seprin Dugan.

Daniel Dugan and his wife Seprin.
Daniel Dugan and his wife Seprin. (60 minutes)

Her husband was held in a maximum security prison in solitary confinement, preparing his defense with handwritten notes, while her home was seized and requests for legal aid were denied, she said.

“They did everything they could to make it difficult for my family, to try to break Dan and break us, but we will fight no matter what,” she said.

Dugan blew kisses and made heart gestures from the platform as the hall filled today with supporters, some of whom were reminded of the laws regarding contempt.

Some remained seated on the floor of the packed courtroom, while one man accused the judge of running a “kangaroo court” before leaving the room.

Former American Haynes Daniel Edmund Duggan is accused of illegally assisting China by training pilots.
Dugan spent 19 months in a high-security prison. (provided)

The former pilot and his family claim that the accusations are politically motivated given the deterioration of relations between China and the United States and how long ago the alleged acts took place.

A court bid in April failed to postpone the hearing after claims that Dagan had racked up $800,000 in legal bills and was unable to fund his future defense.

In a detention letter seen by AAP, Duggan said he believed his activities were legal and that the Australian Defense Intelligence Agency and the US Navy’s Central Intelligence Service knew about his work.

Ms Duggan presented a 25,000-signature petition to politicians in Canberra, calling on Dreyfuss to release her husband and end his extradition.

Greens Senator David Shoebridge said he would table the petition in Parliament.

“Our government needs to show some courage, our government needs to make it clear that being an Australian citizen is important, and that when another country comes for you, they will protect you as best they can… but we haven’t seen any of that,” he said.

Dreyfus has been contacted for comment.

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