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Five Dariani Ahuja talks about her series postcards: ‘It comes from an understanding that Nollywood…’ Achi-News

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In an age where cinematic worlds are increasingly intertwined, Sami Dariani Ahuja stands out as a dynamic force that fuses the vibrant storytelling traditions of Nollywood and Bollywood. An acclaimed filmmaker and businesswoman of Nigerian-Indian descent, Five’s latest project, the groundbreaking Netflix series Postcards, promises to captivate global audiences with its heartfelt narrative of four Nigerians navigating love and self-discovery in India.

Notably, Ahuja’s breakthrough debut ‘Namaste Wahala’ showcased her ability to break barriers, becoming the first Nollywood film to enter Netflix’s top ten lists in the US, UK, Canada, India and Nigeria. As the CEO of Forever 7 Entertainment, the Her visionary is not only revolutionizing cinema but also exemplifies her multi-faceted career spanning motivational speaking and entrepreneurship. In an exclusive interview with News18 Showsha, let’s delve into the creative mind behind this edgy visionary and explore the rich cultural exchange at the heart of her work.

Here are the sections:

Can you share with us the inspiration behind your upcoming Netflix series, Postcards, and how the idea of ​​featuring Nigerians in India came about?

The inspiration for “Postcards” came from the realization that Nollywood was not in India before a production was also filmed there. It is interesting to note that Indian content has had such a big impact here in Nigeria. Zee shows, Hindi movies, Amitabh Bachan, Hema Malini are all household names here. This is what inspired me to shoot ‘Namaste Wahala’ My Indian/Nigerian Rom-Com out on Valentine’s Day on Netflix 2021. This is where I brought Indian actors to Nigeria and shot a 90’s style musical set in Lagos. Hence with Postcard’s I decided to switch it up and take the top Nigerian actors to India to shoot a mini-series.

As someone who has experience in both Nollywood and Bollywood, what unique challenges did you face in blending the filmmaking styles of these two giants of cinema for Postcards?

I wouldn’t call it challenges so much as opportunities to grow and learn. The two industries are similar in nature when it comes to their growth trajectory just on different timelines. However, what is suitable is talent, drive and discipline. In my opinion, this is the recipe for success when you combine two superpowers. Regarding the differences, of course there were some and these come as a function of economy and infrastructure, and economies of scale, but I feel that the gap is bridged quite quickly.

“Namaste Wahalla” was a breakthrough success as the first Nollywood film to enter the top 10 list of Netflix in various countries. How did this achievement affect your approach to directing “Postcards”?

“The success of Namaste Wahalla gave me a lot of confidence to break the boundaries and move forward more and more with the ‘postcards’ of success and arrival also conveyed to me that this is what the audience wants, cross-cultural, borderless content that can travel! Still I chose to go a different way in the genre and focused more on drama and a ‘slice of life’ story where people can relate to more than just running away.

Your career spans filmmaking, entrepreneurship and motivational speaking. How do you manage to balance these different aspects in your professional life, and how do they complement each other?

The more you do, the more you can do”! I love and follow this ethos. Balance is

Interesting word, it depends on what you prioritize and how you distribute and protect your energy, time and focus. About complementing each other. I really feel like I couldn’t have one without the other. My entrepreneurial side helps with the business side of filmmaking because it is a business after all and the more influence, reach and ROI you have the more future business you can get. From a creative perspective, the better the stories the better they will be received, and since the story/production is the product we sell, it needs to be top notch. And finally, motivational speaking and the spiritual side of my work help me stay grounded. It also helps in handling people, and actually choosing the right team for the job

with both in front and behind the cameras. A little calm on set doesn’t hurt.

With your background in motivational speaking, how do you incorporate themes of identity, self-discovery and empowerment into your story, especially in a series like “Postcards”?

The feedback I’m already getting about “Postcards” is the amount of messages or people who learn feel that they benefit from the stories. People talk about the little golden eggs, or nuggets that are woven into the plot line. Topics of reality, human nature, following your dreams, living in the moment, taking care of yourself, are all central topics in the workshops I conduct called ”The Pursuit of Happiness” Businesses have reported growth in profits and better employees. Customer relations after going through these workshops. Therefore, I am happy to say that there seem to be tangible and intangible benefits from implementing these tools.

Can you tell us more about your journey from being a businesswoman to becoming a successful filmmaker and actress, and how each of these experiences shaped your creative vision?

I believe experience is everything. The more life you live, the more stories you can tell, the more you can use your experience to grow. The growth I feel I have undergone in this journey has only helped me grow in my career in all the above aspects. The ability to learn on the job is something that requires both discipline and self-confidence. And then being able to transfer those skills and learning into your work also requires vision. I can only say that I am grateful and excited about this journey, and when you once mix passion with work, the question of failure does not arise as if you are doing what you love, no matter where it lands?

“Postcards” has a talented team including Sola Sovobala, Tobi Bakra and others. What was your experience working with such a diverse and skilled group of actors, and how did they contribute to bringing your story to life?

My players were phenomenal. As mentioned, the best players arrived in India, all with years of experience, but beyond that, talent and discipline. Their commitment to the art is truly extraordinary and their effortless way of translating their role to the camera blew me away. Each character had their own unique way of bringing their character to life and I always subscribe to the idea of ​​’natural’ acting. To take the emotions and understanding out of the actors perception and translate it into their character instead of forcing someone to ‘act’ they should just ‘be’!

As a visionary bridging the gap between Nollywood and Bollywood, what do you hope the audience will take away from “Postcards” in terms of cultural exchange and storytelling?

I hope the audience will see how similar we can be as people, but how unique we can be. What an exciting novelty, but the ability to connect warms the heart. How we all as humans have different perspectives, feelings, emotions and nuances. But how are we all just like that! Human!

Your entrepreneurial ventures, like starting Bistro 7, show your versatility. How has your background in business influenced your approach to filmmaking and storytelling?

I feel like I answered this before. Hosting, like filmmaking is a business that requires creativity and passion. Wearing these two hats are very important for these two industries, the difference in my filmmaking journey is that I threw in a pinch of happiness, gratitude, and also dreamed big!

Looking ahead, what future projects or collaborations can we expect from you, and how do you see your influence continuing to evolve in the world of entertainment and empowerment?

The sky’s the limit! I have quite a few projects lined up, diverse in form, yet similar in the idea that I will constantly commit to bringing cultures together, and limitless content that can travel. I hope my passion and determination will continue to entertain and empower people on a global level.


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