HomeBusinessFire at bar owner's house Fire at bar operator's house: Masked criminals...

Fire at bar owner’s house Fire at bar operator’s house: Masked criminals opened fire, former business partner suspected – Jamshedpur (East Singhbhum) News Achi-News

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Two masked criminals who came on a bike opened fire in the house of Bipin Tanna, a resident of New Ranikudar Road No. 3, Jamshedpur. The bullet hit the wall of Vipin’s house. Bipin informed the police about the incident, after which the police reached the spot and started an investigation. police from the scene


what is the whole matter

Vipin said he is a bar operator. Earlier, Prabhas Singh and Brij Kumar asked for money to open a bar in partnership. During this time, they gave money to open the bar but both of them cheated and embezzled the money. A complaint was also made to the SSP regarding this, after which a settlement was reached at the Bistupur police station. Despite the agreement, Prabhas and Brij did not return the money. Rs 12 lakh is to be taken from Prabhas and Rs 15.40 lakh is to be taken from Bridge. They had demanded their money back from both of them, after which both of them even threatened to kill them.


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