HomeBusinessFavorable days for planting potatoes in May were named - AgroNews Achi-News

Favorable days for planting potatoes in May were named – AgroNews Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

07.05.2024 19:26

Gardeners often turn to the lunar calendar for advice when planting various crops. Potatoes are no exception. Pay attention to the phases of the moon. This is reported by the advice book, writes agronews.ua.

At the beginning of May it is better not to plant root crops. The waning moon contributes to the weakness of the roots, because of which the harvest will be poor.

Favorable days for planting potatoes: 16.05-18.05, 21.05-22.05.

Unfavorable days for planting potatoes: 01.05-15.05, 19.05-20.05, 23.05-25.05, 28.05-31.05. Also, you cannot plant carrots, radishes, beets, garlic and onions in these dates.

Therefore, choose a good time to plant root crops to get a generous harvest.


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