HomeBusinessEven after receiving revenue, Simaria Ghat is not safe. Simaria Ghat...

Even after receiving revenue, Simaria Ghat is not safe. Simaria Ghat not safe even after receipt of revenue: neither SDRF nor police deployed, Samvarta Ghat only in Kartik month; Safety measures taken – news in Gusrai Achi-News

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Begusarai’s Simaria Ganga Ghat, the confluence of Mithila and Magda, is not only the gateway to Mithila but is also a holy place of salvation along with spirituality and religion. Every year thousands of Hasidic come here not only from the country but also from abroad. Settlement tax to the government of Bihar


After the attention of the Bihar government and the central government, the ghat was built and beautified. But there is still no adequate arrangement for lighting. The safety of the followers who come here also depends on God. It is not that this ghat is not in the eyes of the government and administration. The government organizes the state Kalpavas fair here in the month of Kartik, Ardh Kumbh and Kumbh are also organized. Officials keep coming and going, but this ghat, located in Wing No. 35 in the Bhat Municipal Council area, has neither lights nor a regular police arrangement.

The entrance gate of Simaria Ghat.

Need for patrol in river Ganga

As more and more people started drowning at Simaria Ghat, 30 SDRF soldiers were deployed here, but these soldiers kept themselves in the panchayat government building, 500 meters away from the ghat. No SDRF jawan or officer patrols the ghat regularly and makes no effort to save people from drowning.

Divers were deployed here at the local level. He tries to save people as soon as he gets the information. But even their motor boats are not supplied with oil, so by regular patrolling, these people somehow save their lives. In this Simaria Ghat, which is famous throughout the country, all arrangements take place only in the month of Kartik. Culfabs fair is held here in the month of Kartik. Great leaders also arrive, making arrangements for followers who gather from all over the country. Whereas here it is necessary to patrol the Ganges 24 hours a day.

Boat at SDRF camp.

Boat at SDRF camp.

It is necessary first of all to break down

Rambabu Jha, All India Secretary, Hundred Ganga Tirtha Purohit Committee, said the first need is a permanent fortification here. SDRF team should always be deployed, earlier there were boats here, local divers were always there. Now only divers live, SDRF does not stay on the ghat. Even three days ago five people died by drowning here.

Chairman Shankar Jha says there is only cleaning arrangement by the Municipal Council. There is no security arrangement, SDRF team is not there. People come here from Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and Bengal as well as neighboring Nepal.

Bathing in Simeria Ghat.

Bathing in Simeria Ghat.

Income is generated from the get, but there is no security.

Rochakanand Vats says Simaria Ghat gives maximum revenue to Bihar government in the field of religion. But there is no system here. People keep drowning, SDRF staff keep sleeping. Kidnappings are common, but there is no police system. We wrote several times to the authorities and asked for inquiries, but no initiative is taken. Not only Mithila, but devotees from nearby states and neighboring Nepal come here in large numbers. Hundreds of bodies are cremated daily from Mithila and Magadha, but all the arrangements depend on God.

There is no order in a dangerous ghat

Hrishikesh Kumar, deputy councilor of Bhat Municipal Council, says the security arrangements are worse. The revenues there go directly to the district administration. Zero amount is invested in the name of security, SDRF team does not stay in Ghat. Recently, due to lack of an appropriate system, five poor families were destroyed. The drowning incident is happening at the fault of SDRF. There is no light, no CCTV, no arrangement for the safety of the women. Bridge works and sand mining continue, the water is less, it’s a shame that the administration is not aware of this. There is no condition to prevent people from bathing in the dangerous ghat.


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