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Emergency Preparedness Week underway | CTV News Achi-News

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Emergency Preparedness Week has been happening for decades, but Erica Fleck, director of emergency management for Halifax Regional Municipality, says after a particularly challenging year in Eastern Canada, people are really paying attention.

“We are very unique with the risks and challenges we have here. We’re almost completely covered by a coast, so that creates some challenges in terms of flooding, storm surge when you live along the coast but then of course we have our forested areas, so we the risk of fire and then everything else in between,” she said.

The nationwide initiative is being held at the beginning of May to remind people and motivate people to prepare for the upcoming season.

For many, emergency kits come to mind when it comes to preparing for those unexpected moments. They usually include a stock of water, regardless of whether you are on city or well water, food, flashlights, batteries, a radio and important documents.

“It really needs to be personalized for your circumstances, for you personally, for your family, if you have elderly parents living at home,” Fleck said.

Fleck also notes that people should keep their pets in mind, games and other things to pass the time, and even a piece of paper with phone numbers on it.

Shawn Murphy is visiting New Brunswick from New Zealand and says he has only had to use his emergency kit once in 25 years. However, he adds that it’s always something he keeps full and ready.

“We prepare for more tsunamis and earthquakes over in New Zealand because that’s what we get more of, so you always have a box of essentials – a flashlight, enough water to last a few days of minimal and good. food supply of canned food,” he said.

Murphy added that it is extremely important to be ready at a moment’s notice.

“You only have seconds to get started. Tsunami, you’re going to have traffic jams, obstructions, it’s going to be a total mess of everybody trying to get to a higher point of land,” he said.

While preparing for yourself and your family is at the top of the list, Riverview Fire and Rescue Chief Robin True notes that some planning and preparation is needed for homes and property as well.

This year the department has put a big focus on wildland urban interface fires.

“Regarding the combustible items around your home, keeping those away from your home as much as you can. Think about things like mulch beds, keeping them away from the foundation of your home, checking your gutters and keeping them free of debris and pine needles, those kinds of things in your gutters, that could hold amber if there’s a fire nearby, and keep your bushes and stuff trimmed,” said Gwir.

He says across the Maritimes there are many weather-related incidents and it’s important to plan ahead and protect your home from wind, ice and any major storms when possible.

“People don’t think about the risks until something happens to them or happens nearby that makes them think about it, but unfortunately, sometimes it’s too late so we have to be proactive when thinking about risks within the community or risks close to home,” he added.

When it comes to emergency kits, he says it’s important that people check or restock them annually as they provide you with essential items when you’re at home, but also if you need to leave at short notice.

For the first time, the federal government tested its national public emergency alert system on Wednesday. It’s something officials hope will make a difference if it’s ever needed in a real situation.

“It only takes a couple of steps to look at it, read the message. If it’s a real event, it’s going to tell you the next steps you should take. Those few seconds, yes it’s intrusive, but those few seconds could be important and could be life saving as well,” said Director of Emergency Management for the Government of Prince Edward Island, Nick Policelli.

“I think it can reach as many people as possible and as quickly as possible. It’s something that’s heavily vetted, so it’s not something we take lightly.”

Policelli says that the best response to a crisis is to be prepared and this week gives everyone an opportunity to do just that.

Officials note that each state and each city faces unique challenges and has different resources available to them.

In Moncton, NB, residents can sign up for Moncton Alerts which is a tool that sends notifications about everything from emergency and weather alerts, closures and restrictions and even parking bans.

In PEI, Policelli says there are many ways for people to get information.

“This EMO here on Prince Edward Island, we offer classes not only to other government departments but also to the public, things called ICS or incident command systems, understanding what can do that for you,” he said.

At the end of last year, Fleck said a Voluntary Vulnerable People Registry was launched.

“The system is there to assist residents who need help or who may need help during emergencies, so those who face a mobility challenge, sight impairment, hearing impairment, things like that,” he said.

Officials say people should be prepared to take care of themselves and their family for at least 72 hours.

Emergency Preparedness Week is between May 5 and May 11 this year.


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