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DRM inspected Bihta railway station; Bihar Bhaskar Latest News | DRM inspected Bihta railway station: gave directions about development works, people complained about services – Patna News Achi-News

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Operates at Bihta Railway Station of Danapur Railway Division. To take stock of the development works, the DRM Jayant Kumar Choudhary of the Danapur Railway Department and other officials of the Railway Division came and conducted a surprise inspection. Along with this, take stock of the development works.


DRM first inspected the railway station premises after which he took stock of the railway ticket counter area. Apart from this, he took stock of the ongoing development works at the railway station located in Bita. During the inspection he also gave several instructions to the parties concerned about development works. The Bihta train station is being rebuilt as part of the Amrit Bharat station project.

Also, the works were checked

DRM also took stock of the works. DRM Danapur Jayant Kumar Chaudhary said that the home railway station of Danapur railway division is included in the important stations. In such a situation, the construction work of the station continues. In this regard, an examination was made against the factors and all the deficiencies found. Instructions were also given to remove it.

Also, people complained about toilets and drinking water at the train station. This problem will also be solved by the department. According to him, the construction of the station is still ongoing. But the construction of the new line also continues. CCTV was also installed in the station area for security arrangements.


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