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Does your home have an efficient boiler set to the correct temperature? Achi-News

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At what temperature should a boiler be set?

Most modern boilers will have a digital dial that allows you to set the output temperature. For combi boilers, the recommended output temperature for the radiators is 75°C and for the water between 50°C and 60°C.

You should not need to adjust these output temperatures as you may change the efficiency of the boiler. Please note that for best efficiency with Viessmann boilers, we would recommend weather compensation, this automatically adjusts the flow temperature of the heating boiler to the optimum temperature for external weather conditions.

The higher this temperature is set, the faster your boiler will be able to heat your home. However, you may find that your heating bills increase and the efficiency of your boiler may drop by around 10 or 20 per cent. The maximum temperature we recommend you set your radiator output to is 80 °C.

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If you have a conventional boiler system, your water cylinder will have its own thermostat. This is usually placed on the side of the tank. You should set the temperature between 60 and 65°C but for maximum efficiency, it should be set to around 60°C. Do not set it lower than this as you could increase the risk of contracting legionnaires’ disease.

Legionella is a type of pneumonia caused by bacteria in water. If the water temperature in your cylinder is not hot enough, the bacteria that causes the disease, Legionella pneumophila, can grow and you could be at risk. It is worth noting that the tap water temperature should always be lower than the radiator output temperature.

What is the best temperature for a condensing boiler?

A condensing boiler is one of the most efficient types of boiler. This is because it can recover almost all the heat from the flue gases and use it to heat your home. For the boiler to work at its most efficient, the heat exchanger needs to be at or below the dew point temperature.

Dew point temperature is a measurement that determines air humidity and is the temperature at which water droplets form in the heat exchanger. For gas boilers, the dew point is around 55 °C. This means that the water needs to be 55 °C or lower for your boiler to maintain its efficiency.

Viessmann modern heating solutions

In an age where energy efficiency and sustainability are at the forefront of global concerns, the choice of heating systems for homes and businesses is more important than ever. Among the various options available, Viessmann boilers have emerged as a leading choice due to their advanced technology, efficiency and reliability.

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The importance of efficient heating

Heating accounts for a significant proportion of energy use in residential and commercial buildings. Inefficient heating systems not only lead to higher energy bills but also contribute to increased carbon emissions. Therefore, choosing an efficient boiler is essential for both economic and environmental reasons.

Viessmann, a renowned name in the heating industry, has been at the forefront of developing innovative heating solutions. Their range of boilers are designed to meet the highest standards of efficiency and performance, making them an excellent choice for modern heating needs.

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Why choose Viessmann boilers?

Viessmann boilers are known for their high efficiency, which means less energy is used and a smaller carbon footprint. They incorporate advanced technology such as condensing technology, which makes the best use of the heat produced during combustion. This results in an efficiency of up to 98%, which is significantly higher than traditional boilers.

Furthermore, Viessmann boilers are built to last. They are made from high quality materials and are thoroughly tested to ensure durability and reliability. This means fewer breakdowns and lower maintenance costs over the life of the boiler.

Another key advantage of Viessmann boilers is their compatibility with renewable energy sources. Many models can be integrated with solar thermal systems, heat pumps, and other renewable technologies, further enhancing their sustainability credentials.




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